🍴Usage tools :
🍚Ingredients preparation:
📄 Steps:
➊ Cut cauliflower into cubes, slice ham, carrots, and onions into cubes. Put butter and milk into small containers for later use.
➋ Fry the ham until it becomes fragrant, then take it out and set aside
➌ Crack two eggs into the crisper, add milk and cream (you can heat and melt them first), and stir evenly.
➍ Put the fried ham and vegetables into the crisper, sprinkle evenly with a little salt and black pepper (or add some Italian spices), stir, and finally spread a layer of shredded cheese.
➎ Bake in the oven at 220° for 10~15 minutes
📋 Practical tips:
Recipe Author: LiEF RiCH Created by Bucheon