Double Box Microwaveable Stainless Steel Lunch Box
Event information
Detailed specifications
一般金屬器皿具有許多可自由移動的電子,自由電子會因微波發生振動。電子是非常小的粒子,即便振動也不會產生熱,但會集中到像是鋁箔紙緣角或叉子尖端處,再從金屬尖銳的部分飛出空中,在微波爐內產生放電現象(電弧現象)因而造成設備損壞風險,因此普遍都會告誡金屬不可放入微波爐內。 然而並非所有金屬都不能放進微波爐中,例如圓滑的不鏽鋼湯匙或平整無尖角的不鏽鋼盤等,因為沒有尖銳的端點或折角就不會產生放電現象,因此金屬本身的「形狀」跟「材質」都決定了將容器放進去微波爐的安全性。
|相關原理可以參考此篇文章 👉 神奇微波術|揭秘:不鏽鋼便當盒竟然可以用「微波爐」加熱
Q2. Double Box 便當盒使用注意事項
在微波爐內同時放入 2 個分離的金屬材料,會使分離物件彼此的金屬邊緣或尖端處電子相互碰撞產生閃光火花進而造成設備損壞,因此不可將本產品金屬盒體和分隔盤或其他金屬餐具一起放入微波爐中加熱,以免造成危害喔。
Q3. Double Box 便當盒水波爐加熱注意事項
Q4. Double Box 矽膠上蓋可以微波嗎?
矽膠上蓋是嬰兒奶嘴等級的鉑金矽膠,可耐冷熱 -30°C~200°C。因此微波爐、電鍋、烤箱、蒸飯箱等電器在加熱溫度範圍內皆可使用喔! 也可以放入冰箱存放及使用洗碗機清洗。
Q5. Double Box 矽膠上蓋可以防漏嗎?
組合方式 1. 【上蓋+分隔盤+盒體】:達到輕防漏效果,能盛裝較濃稠的食物(如咖哩),不建議盛裝湯水類。
組合方式 2. 【上蓋+分隔盤】:達到輕防漏效果,能盛裝較濃稠的食物(如咖哩),不建議盛裝湯水類。
組合方式 3. 【上蓋+盒體】:防塵防噴濺功能,不建議盛裝豆漿、湯水類食材。
Q6. 矽膠上蓋除了微波時要拉開氣閥,在烤箱、蒸飯箱之類的電器裡加熱也要拉開嗎?
Q7. 保鮮盒有哪些尺寸?會不會很佔空間?
S號 600ml/W187 x D127 x H48 mm
▹▹ 兒童、小鳥胃輕鬆滿足
M號 900ml/W187 x D127 x H63 mm
▹▹ 上班族帶便當最合適!
L號 1200ml/W187 x D127 x H78 mm
▹▹ 外帶餐點、裝湯超方便
※ 每款保鮮盒皆包含:不鏽鋼盒體+矽膠氣密蓋(冰晶透)一組
※ S號保鮮盒因盒體高度限制,不建議搭配萬用蒸架使用
Q8. 可與便當盒共用配件嗎?
※ 氣密防漏上蓋採內側密封防漏片結構設計,恕無法與便當盒的分隔盤搭配使用。
Q9. 不鏽鋼保鮮盒 清潔與保養
① 初次使用前或長時間使用後需深度清潔,可用兩茶匙小蘇打混合熱水,浸泡矽膠和金屬零件一小時後,以清水徹底洗淨擦拭晾乾後使用。
② 每次使用完畢後建議以食器用中性清潔劑洗滌,並用清水沖洗擦拭晾乾。( 如未擦拭自然風乾後表面產生水漬痕為正常現象,並非產品瑕疵 )
③ 可放入一般家用洗/烘碗機清洗,且建議使用對應材質餐具專用中性洗劑清潔。
④ 不可使用鋼刷、尖銳硬質毛刷、科技海綿或含有金鋼砂成份等非餐具使用清潔用品刷洗,避免造成表面刮花磨損。
Q10. 矽膠配件 清潔與保養
𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘽𝙤𝙭 的所有矽膠配件皆採用最高等級鉑金矽膠環保材質(同嬰兒奶嘴等級),在使用上不用擔心會變形,或是「放久了出油黏黏的」,耐熱 -30°C~200°C ,沸水殺菌也 OK !
① 承裝食物的器皿建議在用餐完畢後盡快清洗,如果擱置很久才清洗,無論是什麼材質都難保不會有吃色、卡味道的問題,建議可以使用一般中性清潔劑搭配海綿洗滌,或是放入洗/烘碗機做清潔。
② 若上蓋碰到味道比較重的食物,可以用「過碳酸鈉」清潔,去味效果非常好~它能在低水溫就能迅速分解釋出氧氣,達到去味的效果。 過碳酸鈉加入常溫水後用筷子或湯匙攪拌,靜置約 15 分鐘即可沖洗。 一般日常殺菌清潔保養,也可以將一鍋水煮滾後把矽膠放入鍋內,滾煮約 5 分鐘即可撈起。
Q11. 產品使用注意事項
【業界唯一】產品未經使用 7 天內可更換外觀瑕疵更換,正常使用下保固 12 個月!
① 微波爐加熱建議以20L~40L家用型微波設備( 700~900W )加熱使用。
② 微波時間建議以中火力 5 ~ 10 分鐘分段加熱,可保留食材水分及口感,如微波加熱液體食材請避免長時間加熱產生突沸現象造成食材溢出。
③ 請勿同時將兩個以上的不鏽鋼盒體或和其它金屬餐具一起微波加熱,避免造成導電火花。如需微波加熱多個不鏽鋼盒體,請分次單獨放入微波爐加熱。
④ 微波加熱時,請確保矽膠蓋氣閥向上拉開通氣,且不鏽鋼盒體置放於微波爐中心旋轉加熱,金屬容器不可碰觸微波爐箱體內壁或門板,避免造成設備損壞。
⑤ 本產品金屬盒體具有一定結構硬度和耐用性,如不慎撞擊造成產品外觀嚴重損毀,如凹陷、缺角不良,請立即停止使用並更換新品。
⑥ 不鏽鋼盒體-米香白款 表面為陶瓷噴塗烤漆,不適用於電磁爐、瓦斯爐 等設備加熱。
⑦ 不可低溫/高溫瞬間加熱或冷卻,避免造成漆料表面龜裂剝落。
Q12. 商品能夠配送哪些地區呢?
▍LiFE RiCH 粉絲專頁:
Purchase instructions
▌Payment method
At present, the official website provides payment methods such as online card swiping , online ATM , and over-the-counter ATM . Online card swiping (can be divided into three phases): using the Green World card swiping system, all credit card information is directly connected to the cash flow encryption, and we cannot obtain it from any The alternative information knows your credit card information, so you can use your credit card to pay on the official website with peace of mind. The current credit cards accepted by the official website are: VISA, Mastercard, and JCB.
▌Commodity invoice
All invoices are issued electronically on the official website. They will be sent to the member's email approximately 10 minutes after payment is completed. Paper invoices will not be sent separately. If you need to issue a unified number, please select "Company Account Invoice" on the checkout page and fill in the detailed information. .
▌Package delivery in Taiwan
- Free shipping for orders over $1,200 in Taiwan's main island. If the threshold is not reached, each order for home delivery will be charged a shipping fee of NT$80. Both the main island and outer islands of Taiwan use "Hsinchu Freight/Home Delivery" for delivery.
- For delivery to Taiwan's outlying islands (Penghu/Kinmen/Matsu/Xiaoliuqiu/Green Island/Lanyu), a shipping fee of NT$200 will be charged for each order.
- The goods you ordered will be shipped within 3 to 5 working days (excluding national holidays) from the next day after payment is completed. An email notification will be sent when the goods are shipped.
- If the goods are returned without signing for them after shipment, the buyer will be responsible for the re-shipping freight.
▌International parcel delivery
- Hong Kong/Malaysia/Japan/South Korea/UK/USA/Australia and other places can check the shipping cost on the checkout page . If the country is not shown, please send us a private message on the LiFE RiCH fan page and someone will be at your service.
- Products will be carefully inspected and packaged before shipment. If the product cannot be used due to functional damage, the product will not be returned or exchanged. Please carefully confirm whether the color and product purchased are correct before placing an order.
- The receiving information must be filled in completely. If the package cannot be delivered due to incorrect receiving information and the package is returned, refunds and returns will not be accepted.
- After receiving the email shipping notification, the package delivery will take about 2 to 5 working days. After sending, the delivery time may be extended depending on the express delivery situation. If you need to track the delivery status of the goods, please directly reply to the shipping notification email and ask for the tracking number. Can.
- If the outer box of the package is obviously severely damaged and the contents are damaged, please take a video of the damaged state of the package and contents, and send a private message to the LiFE RiCH Facebook fan for dedicated personnel to assist with follow-up related matters.
- For international parcel delivery, please note that import tariff regulations vary from country to country. If the logistics or customs want to charge tariffs or other additional fees for the goods when picking up the parcel, the buyer must bear it. The delivery time may be extended depending on the express delivery status and customs random inspections. , you can reply to the shipping notification letter to check the delivery status of the package. If the package cannot be delivered because the receiving information is incorrect, and the package is returned, and it is not the case that the product function is damaged and cannot be used, due to the complicated cross-border refund procedures, it cannot be provided to overseas members. Return and exchange service.
*Fuchuan Creation reserves the right to make final shipment decisions
一般金屬器皿具有許多可自由移動的電子,自由電子會因微波發生振動。電子是非常小的粒子,即便振動也不會產生熱,但會集中到像是鋁箔紙緣角或叉子尖端處,再從金屬尖銳的部分飛出空中,在微波爐內產生放電現象(電弧現象)因而造成設備損壞風險,因此普遍都會告誡金屬不可放入微波爐內。 然而並非所有金屬都不能放進微波爐中,例如圓滑的不鏽鋼湯匙或平整無尖角的不鏽鋼盤等,因為沒有尖銳的端點或折角就不會產生放電現象,因此金屬本身的「形狀」跟「材質」都決定了將容器放進去微波爐的安全性。
|相關原理可以參考此篇文章 👉 神奇微波術|揭秘:不鏽鋼便當盒竟然可以用「微波爐」加熱
Q2. Double Box 便當盒使用注意事項
在微波爐內同時放入 2 個分離的金屬材料,會使分離物件彼此的金屬邊緣或尖端處電子相互碰撞產生閃光火花進而造成設備損壞,因此不可將本產品金屬盒體和分隔盤或其他金屬餐具一起放入微波爐中加熱,以免造成危害喔。
Q3. Double Box 便當盒水波爐加熱注意事項
Q4. Double Box 矽膠上蓋可以微波嗎?
矽膠上蓋是嬰兒奶嘴等級的鉑金矽膠,可耐冷熱 -30°C~200°C。因此微波爐、電鍋、烤箱、蒸飯箱等電器在加熱溫度範圍內皆可使用喔! 也可以放入冰箱存放及使用洗碗機清洗。
Q5. Double Box 矽膠上蓋可以防漏嗎?
組合方式 1. 【上蓋+分隔盤+盒體】:達到輕防漏效果,能盛裝較濃稠的食物(如咖哩),不建議盛裝湯水類。
組合方式 2. 【上蓋+分隔盤】:達到輕防漏效果,能盛裝較濃稠的食物(如咖哩),不建議盛裝湯水類。
組合方式 3. 【上蓋+盒體】:防塵防噴濺功能,不建議盛裝豆漿、湯水類食材。
Q6. 矽膠上蓋除了微波時要拉開氣閥,在烤箱、蒸飯箱之類的電器裡加熱也要拉開嗎?
Q7. 保鮮盒有哪些尺寸?會不會很佔空間?
S號 600ml/W187 x D127 x H48 mm
▹▹ 兒童、小鳥胃輕鬆滿足
M號 900ml/W187 x D127 x H63 mm
▹▹ 上班族帶便當最合適!
L號 1200ml/W187 x D127 x H78 mm
▹▹ 外帶餐點、裝湯超方便
※ 每款保鮮盒皆包含:不鏽鋼盒體+矽膠氣密蓋(冰晶透)一組
※ S號保鮮盒因盒體高度限制,不建議搭配萬用蒸架使用
Q8. 可與便當盒共用配件嗎?
※ 氣密防漏上蓋採內側密封防漏片結構設計,恕無法與便當盒的分隔盤搭配使用。
Q9. 不鏽鋼保鮮盒 清潔與保養
① 初次使用前或長時間使用後需深度清潔,可用兩茶匙小蘇打混合熱水,浸泡矽膠和金屬零件一小時後,以清水徹底洗淨擦拭晾乾後使用。
② 每次使用完畢後建議以食器用中性清潔劑洗滌,並用清水沖洗擦拭晾乾。( 如未擦拭自然風乾後表面產生水漬痕為正常現象,並非產品瑕疵 )
③ 可放入一般家用洗/烘碗機清洗,且建議使用對應材質餐具專用中性洗劑清潔。
④ 不可使用鋼刷、尖銳硬質毛刷、科技海綿或含有金鋼砂成份等非餐具使用清潔用品刷洗,避免造成表面刮花磨損。
Q10. 矽膠配件 清潔與保養
𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘽𝙤𝙭 的所有矽膠配件皆採用最高等級鉑金矽膠環保材質(同嬰兒奶嘴等級),在使用上不用擔心會變形,或是「放久了出油黏黏的」,耐熱 -30°C~200°C ,沸水殺菌也 OK !
① 承裝食物的器皿建議在用餐完畢後盡快清洗,如果擱置很久才清洗,無論是什麼材質都難保不會有吃色、卡味道的問題,建議可以使用一般中性清潔劑搭配海綿洗滌,或是放入洗/烘碗機做清潔。
② 若上蓋碰到味道比較重的食物,可以用「過碳酸鈉」清潔,去味效果非常好~它能在低水溫就能迅速分解釋出氧氣,達到去味的效果。 過碳酸鈉加入常溫水後用筷子或湯匙攪拌,靜置約 15 分鐘即可沖洗。 一般日常殺菌清潔保養,也可以將一鍋水煮滾後把矽膠放入鍋內,滾煮約 5 分鐘即可撈起。
Q11. 產品使用注意事項
【業界唯一】產品未經使用 7 天內可更換外觀瑕疵更換,正常使用下保固 12 個月!
① 微波爐加熱建議以20L~40L家用型微波設備( 700~900W )加熱使用。
② 微波時間建議以中火力 5 ~ 10 分鐘分段加熱,可保留食材水分及口感,如微波加熱液體食材請避免長時間加熱產生突沸現象造成食材溢出。
③ 請勿同時將兩個以上的不鏽鋼盒體或和其它金屬餐具一起微波加熱,避免造成導電火花。如需微波加熱多個不鏽鋼盒體,請分次單獨放入微波爐加熱。
④ 微波加熱時,請確保矽膠蓋氣閥向上拉開通氣,且不鏽鋼盒體置放於微波爐中心旋轉加熱,金屬容器不可碰觸微波爐箱體內壁或門板,避免造成設備損壞。
⑤ 本產品金屬盒體具有一定結構硬度和耐用性,如不慎撞擊造成產品外觀嚴重損毀,如凹陷、缺角不良,請立即停止使用並更換新品。
⑥ 不鏽鋼盒體-米香白款 表面為陶瓷噴塗烤漆,不適用於電磁爐、瓦斯爐 等設備加熱。
⑦ 不可低溫/高溫瞬間加熱或冷卻,避免造成漆料表面龜裂剝落。
Q12. 商品能夠配送哪些地區呢?
▍LiFE RiCH 粉絲專頁:
▌Payment method
At present, the official website provides payment methods such as online card swiping , online ATM , and over-the-counter ATM . Online card swiping (can be divided into three phases): using the Green World card swiping system, all credit card information is directly connected to the cash flow encryption, and we cannot obtain it from any The alternative information knows your credit card information, so you can use your credit card to pay on the official website with peace of mind. The current credit cards accepted by the official website are: VISA, Mastercard, and JCB.
▌Commodity invoice
All invoices are issued electronically on the official website. They will be sent to the member's email approximately 10 minutes after payment is completed. Paper invoices will not be sent separately. If you need to issue a unified number, please select "Company Account Invoice" on the checkout page and fill in the detailed information. .
▌Package delivery in Taiwan
- Free shipping for orders over $1,200 in Taiwan's main island. If the threshold is not reached, each order for home delivery will be charged a shipping fee of NT$80. Both the main island and outer islands of Taiwan use "Hsinchu Freight/Home Delivery" for delivery.
- For delivery to Taiwan's outlying islands (Penghu/Kinmen/Matsu/Xiaoliuqiu/Green Island/Lanyu), a shipping fee of NT$200 will be charged for each order.
- The goods you ordered will be shipped within 3 to 5 working days (excluding national holidays) from the next day after payment is completed. An email notification will be sent when the goods are shipped.
- If the goods are returned without signing for them after shipment, the buyer will be responsible for the re-shipping freight.
▌International parcel delivery
- Hong Kong/Malaysia/Japan/South Korea/UK/USA/Australia and other places can check the shipping cost on the checkout page . If the country is not shown, please send us a private message on the LiFE RiCH fan page and someone will be at your service.
- Products will be carefully inspected and packaged before shipment. If the product cannot be used due to functional damage, the product will not be returned or exchanged. Please carefully confirm whether the color and product purchased are correct before placing an order.
- The receiving information must be filled in completely. If the package cannot be delivered due to incorrect receiving information and the package is returned, refunds and returns will not be accepted.
- After receiving the email shipping notification, the package delivery will take about 2 to 5 working days. After sending, the delivery time may be extended depending on the express delivery situation. If you need to track the delivery status of the goods, please directly reply to the shipping notification email and ask for the tracking number. Can.
- If the outer box of the package is obviously severely damaged and the contents are damaged, please take a video of the damaged state of the package and contents, and send a private message to the LiFE RiCH Facebook fan for dedicated personnel to assist with follow-up related matters.
- For international parcel delivery, please note that import tariff regulations vary from country to country. If the logistics or customs want to charge tariffs or other additional fees for the goods when picking up the parcel, the buyer must bear it. The delivery time may be extended depending on the express delivery status and customs random inspections. , you can reply to the shipping notification letter to check the delivery status of the package. If the package cannot be delivered because the receiving information is incorrect, and the package is returned, and it is not the case that the product function is damaged and cannot be used, due to the complicated cross-border refund procedures, it cannot be provided to overseas members. Return and exchange service.
*Fuchuan Creation reserves the right to make final shipment decisions
▎ Product features❶ Exclusive patented microwave technology ❷ The upper cover adopts a patented retractable design ❸ The plates are separated into layers without mixing of flavors
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