Double Box

Microwave cooking|Sprite cucumber|Double Box recipe cooking

微波料理|雪碧小黃瓜|Double Box 食譜料理

🍴 Utensils used:

Double Box 1 piece (L)

🍚 Food preparation:

  • 3 small cucumbers
  • 2-3 heads of garlic
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1-2 tsp sugar
  • 3 tsp white vinegar (or 1 lemon)
  • 1 bottle of Sprite

📄 Steps:

➊ Wash the cucumber, remove the head and tail, cut it into thin slices with a planer and put it in the Double Box
➋ Add garlic, chili pepper, sugar, salt and white vinegar in order
➌Finally, pour about 400 ml of Sprite to cover the cucumbers
➍Put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours

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電鍋料理|銀耳蓮子湯|Double Box 食譜料理
微波料理|韓式麻藥溏心蛋|Double Box 食譜料理